Monday always brings The Weekly Sunlit Memories Oracle Card Reading

Posted by Coralie Plozza on

The sun is shining it is bloody cold but I am happy as the sun always makes my day start better.  This week takes us one week closer to Spring I can't wait can even see a few yellow flowers emerging.

This weeks Sunlit Memories Oracle Cards are ....

22nd August week starting Sunlit Memories Oracle Card Reading

Blue Birds Song - One Step at a Time - Perspective

Now you may immediately see your weeks focus from just seeing the cards and reading the names and that is wonderful you should work on that even journal on it and see how it plays out for you.

You can also add my interpretation which is ...

You have been running ragged and in survival mode time to remember that you are allowed to be happy and fulfilled too.  Reach for that song that is in you that is unique to just you.  Sing that song step out each line and chorus see it from different perspective if you need to change the beat or melody you can easily do it and build a beautiful life that shows you and all that you love in a happy successful content life.

Just for a little more info ...

The meanings to each card ...

Sunlit Memories Oracle Card #25 Blue Bird Song


Life is like a blue bird’s song, filled with joy and spontaneity. Be social, loving, active and kind. Keep a song in your heart and share it whenever you can. By living with gratitude, caring for yourself, smiling often and laughing with sincerity your song will spread joy into the hearts of those around you.

Sunlit Memories Oracle Card #27 One Step at a Time


All good things come to those who are patient and lay a good foundation. Step your way through the clouds to reach great heights, choosing your path carefully. If you miss a step you may risk falling behind or losing your way. Let The Sun’s rays light your path showing you the best way to your destination.

Sunlit Memories Oracle Card #16 Perspective


When you are faced with a problem, it is easy to be blinded to a resolution by the tangle of branches and glare of light. But if you step back and look at it from a different direction or angle you can more clearly. Step out from behind the problem and get a full view of all perspectives to find a solution.

If you would like a more personalised reading just for you click on any of the images above and it will take you to the website and you can buy your own set of Sunlit Memories Oracle Cards to do a reading for yourself or purchase a three card reading customised for you.

Also if you would like to check out all the cards there is an album on my Rainbow Farm Photography Facebook page for all the Sunlit Memories Oracle Cards just click on the image of the deck below.

I hope this reading has helped you get your week started and would love to hear how it resonated with you in the comments and share it with friends through the social media posts on Instagram or Facebook or this blog post.

Sunlit Memories Oracle Deck by Rainbow Farm Photography

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