Chasing the Sunrise

Posted by Coralie Plozza on

The Morning is stirring you can feel the crisp cold air on your cheeks.  Pulling the blankets up over your head , fighting the time to get out of bed.  Your eyes open look is it morning yet?  The clock tells you that it’s early but is it too early?


You turn to the gap in the bedroom curtain and let your mind anticipate the wonder that awaits in the morning sun.  The choice between getting back under those covers and venturing out into the cold crisp air which is much colder than that of the warm house.  What makes you get up and face the day.. for many it is different things.  Work?  or Kids?  even the furry kids asking for attention.  For me here on Rainbow Farm it’s the call of the sun the anticipation of the healing power of the sun to make the start to the day amazing.  Every time I venture out it is different no two days the same

It is amazing how when you take the time to enjoy the morning sunrise how you notice the worlds little changes every day.

The simple movement of the sun through the seasons is amazing and makes for such variety and sometimes gets your brain moving first thing in the morning trying to find a way to get that sunrise perfect on the camera .

Which then can lead to some serious walking which can be fun when you have snuck out in you pj’s and dressing gown.

The Colours that abound in the morning can bring such beauty to the day.

The way the sun rising bounces off the clouds and gives array of colour makes you wonder if God doesn’t get up early just to use his colour palette.

Clouds just make the morning walk to watch the sunrise .

They give the most amazing character to even the most dull scenery and give such a depth to the day.


So when you feel that crisp cool air and the thought of getting out of that warm bed early in the morning makes you want to cringe.

Look for that gap in the curtain and let your imagination drift into how the sun is rising today.

If the warm bed is too much of a draw card

and you don’t go and fill your lungs with beautiful morning air and pump those legs full of energy with a morning walk

You can head over to my REDBUBBLE STORE or SOCIETY 6 STORE
or my website Rainbow Farm Photography

OR ... You can always stop by here and get your fill of the morning sun or say hi on Facebook or Instagram.

Get out there and enjoy the Sun and drink in its healing power any way you can.

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